Daivik amrith Family apostolate was inaugurated on the decennial closing ceremony of Daivik Amrith Konkani Monthly held on 22nd May 2016. The convener of the ministry Rev. Fr. Valerian D’Silva , OFM Cap. The programme was officially inaugurated by Most Rev. Dr. Aloysius Paul D’Souza, Bishop of Mangalore The vision of family ministry that had conceived in the mind of Fr. Valerian D’Silva had begun with his ministry as the secular Franciscan order director in the diocese of Mangalore and Udupi. The vision and ministry of St. Francis of Assisi “repair my Church”; the need of the hour is to preserve the sanctity of families.



The purpose is to save the marriage bond between couples; to bring awareness about the sanctity of sacramental marriage; to create awareness among the parents to promote and to accept the gifts of children in the family with gratitude and to promote personal prayer by the couple for successful marriage life.


  • To visit every parish and to catechize the people during the Sunday mass by preaching about the sanctity of sacramental marriage.
  • To distribute to each family a calendar with the prayer to recited by the couple daily.
  • To promote the people to use slogans in various languages during the family functions held in the family such As marriage, rose, engagement, first communion, christening, birthdays, marriage anniversaries etc.
  • To present an awareness program during the SCC conventions at varado and parish level.
  • To avail the literature regarding family ministry during marriage preparation course.
  • To give talks on the media regarding family life, marriage problems and solutions etc. as per biblical and church teachings.

Follow up

Fr Valerian D'Silva

Fr. Valerian has visited various parishes and celebrated Sunday masses during which he has preached on the importance of family life, marriage bond, children in the family and the sanctity of marriage and family. He also preached in the annual retreats and preached on themes. He has distributed prayer cards, wordings, calendars and various other literatures. He is writing a series of articles on daivik Amrith Konkani monthly and gave talks on the divine word Channel.






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